See below for the first testimonial of 2013. Often the healthcare professionals are now aware of the latest developments in treatment for specific conditions. We will continue to spread the word this year.


From: Kevin


Subject: Osgood Schlatter


This worked better than I would have ever imagined.  Within 2 weeks she was really back to normal.  Now 1.5 months later it is not an issue.  My older daughter who is now 14 had this problem for 2.5 years.  I wish I would have known about this for her.  We had already had 2 weeks of normal therapy had a practice and had a pain level of 4 just jogging for 30 min.  We did this the next morning and before her next practice the next night and she didn’t have much pain at all.


Thank You

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The Strickland Protocol: Cures Osgood Schlatter's Disease in an average of 3 weeks Buy Now